Friday, April 9, 2010

Red Veg Stir Fry

Tonight I made something up, which ended up being pretty delicious.
I used half a butternut, a small broccoli, 1 zucchini, a handful of button mushrooms, a small capsicum, a few sliced peppadews and a thumb of sliced ginger, some egg noodles, 175ml coconut milk, a tablespoon of red curry paste, a teaspoon of sugar, a bit of cinnamon,a splash of light soy sauce and salt and pepper.

I guess the choice of ingredients was a bit random as I just used whatever I had around.

So I parboiled the butternut, and lightly steamed the broccoli while stir frying the mushrooms and zucchini (2 min) then adding capsicum and peppadews and ginger (1 min). I then added the butternut and zucchini stir fried for (2 min) then added the red curry, followed by coconut milk, splash of soy and cooked for a few minutes turning the heat down a bit. At this point it was all a bit hot and sour, so I added the cinnamon and the sugar and the noodles.

I mixed it and took it off and served immediately.

It was fantastic, nice deep flavor, the butternut and broccoli were the highlight and a good spicy background flavor. I will definitely do it again.